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  • 1.  Unable to move files between libraries?

    Posted 08-30-2024 07:53

    There is no obvious way to move files between libraries other than deleting from one and re-uploading to another. i.e., the "Actions" dropdown does not have a "move" command.   This is a massive time waste for TF leaders. 

    Lauren Crane
    Product Ehs Regulatory Compliance Specialist Product Safety Engineer 6
    Lam Research Corporation
    Fremont TX
    +1 510-572-7471

  • 2.  RE: Unable to move files between libraries?

    Posted 09-01-2024 16:11


    Something has been nagging at me about this for a couple of days and, as I've figured out what and have a few moments, here goes:

    IIRC, I found the same frustrating problem when I tried to reorganize the files in one of my Communities quite some time ago.  I believe I found that, although there was no apparent means of moving a file, it was possible to copy one from one 'Library' to another.  I even went looking for the Community I lead that has more than one Library to see if I could figure out, again, how to copy from one 'Library' to another and delete the document from the first.  (That's still a kluge, but its less of one than uploading the document another time.  FWLIW, I agree that there should a simple drag-and-drop way to manage the arrangement of files into 'Libraries'.)   

    When I went to do that, however, I found that none of the Communities affiliated with any of the TFs I lead has, according to my 'My Communities' list, any 'Libraries'.  Which means that either that I'm delusional or that, at some time and without my knowledge or consent, the wabe erased whatever files I had uploaded for one of my TFs.  I find neither of those options attractive.  More importantly, the latter calls the notion of using the wabe as the database of record for TF work into serious question.

    While I'm on the topic, why on earth are they called 'Libraries'?  A library is a large, organized collection of numerous items.  The 'libraries' in the wabe appear to be nothing other than file folders.  My first indoor job (1976, I believe) was in my town's public library.  Under the wabe's nomenclature, each shelf of each stack would appear to be a 'library' and the number of 'libraries' in town would be of the same magnitude as the number of households.


    Eric Sklar, Principal
    Safety Guru, LLC
    Lanesborough MA

  • 3.  RE: Unable to move files between libraries?

    Platinum Member
    Posted 09-24-2024 16:32

    Hi Lauren

    Yes, a TF leader should be able to move file in the community.   In the library, make sure you click on the setting icon top corner (underline), select a file as desire, and click on Move.

    Hope this helps.


    Kevin Nguyen
    SEMI Headquarters
    Milpitas CA