
H. Hoffman

SEMI North America

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SEMI North America


Heidi Hoffman is senior director of Technology Communities Marketing for SEMI and its Strategic Technology Communities: FlexTech, Fab Owners Association (FOA), SOI Industry Consortium (SOIIC), EMG/SMG,  MEMS & Sensors Industry Group (MSIG), all membership-driven organizations advocating for the development and integration of electronics. Heidi previously  managed the Laser Illuminated Projector Association (management provided by FlexTech) a membership driven trade association, dedicated to advancing market acceptance of lasers in the projector space.

She oversees membership processes, business development, communications, marketing and all other aspects of high tech trade association work. Previously, Heidi served as the managing director of the 3D@Home Consortium, prior to it merging with the International 3D Society.

Heidi has held numerous positions in both the public and private sectors, including managing corporate communications for her own consulting company, Trebuchet Communications, as well as for Novalux, Inc. a start-up that developed lasers for telecom and displays. Heidi joined FlexTech (aka USDC) and SEMI as their Washington Representative after serving as a Senior International Trade Specialist with the U.S. Department of Commerce in the Reagan, Bush and Clinton administrations.

Heidi's entire career has been devoted to providing opportunities for technology companies - and the individuals that run them - to build relationships that fuel the engine of technology development in the U.S. and abroad.

Heidi received her formal education in International Relations and Marketing at Mankato State University in Minnesota.

Specialties: Special Interest Group Management, Branding, Website Development, Event Development, and a wide variety of Business Development and Marketing Activities